20210306-Imprimeriemenu The menu
The menu
20210306_PXL180444913_Pixel3a-JEB The package
The package
20210306_PXL180558312_Pixel3a-JEB The instructions
The instructions
20210306_PXL180818091_Pixel3a-JEB The contents
The contents
20210306_PXL180832172_Pixel3a-JEB Starter unboxed
Starter unboxed
20210306_PXL182320755_Pixel3a-JEB starter: Chou-fleur rôti au zhataar, petit pain pita starter after warming in the oven (I included the pita) and yaourt citron
starter: Chou-fleur rôti au zhataar, petit pain pita starter after warming in the oven (I included the pita) and yaourt citron
20210306_PXL184354968_Pixel3a-JEB main after 15 mins in the water bath and ready to serve
main after 15 mins in the water bath and ready to serve
20210306_PXL184703170_Pixel3a-JEB main: Joue de bœuf braise longuement façon tajine, étuvée de pois chiche
main: Joue de bœuf braise longuement façon tajine, étuvée de pois chiche
20210306_PXL180841462_Pixel3a-JEB dessert unboxed
dessert unboxed
20210306_PXL191514198.MP_Pixel3a-JEB dessert: Poire en tartelette amandine after warming in the oven, with caramel au beurre
dessert: Poire en tartelette amandine after warming in the oven, with caramel au beurre